Friday, July 31, 2009

Moo. 212/365

I received my MOO mini cards today. I've loved these little cards and have wanted to order some for a few years. I decided to just put the web addresses of my two blogs on the back since I can never seem to remember the information when somebody asks for it. There was a special offer through Photojojo and I decided to use the photos from my 365 blog, just as PG did his a few months back. We had so much fun choosing our favorites and realizing it will be difficult to give away these memories.


  1. Nice! I've been thinking of gettin' me some MOOs, too...!

  2. I LOVE MOO! I recently splurged on some business size cards (calling myself a photographer on them even). Now I just have to do something about making them accurate! Enjoy the moo minis.

  3. I've tried many many print vendors, but Print Peppermint is the best for me (in my opinion). My cards look very pretty and silky to the touch. The details are on point and I got them at a 10% discount.
